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Salinas California Form 730: What You Should Know

As part of a 730 evaluation the evaluator will collect information about the parent(s) from the parent(s) and the court, interview the parent(s) and, if the judge so requests, obtain medical, psychiatric, and educational records and any other pertinent records to determine the mental, emotional, and practical health and/or parenting of the parents. What 730 Evaluation is? When a trial court judge orders a child custody evaluator to conduct a 730 Evaluation, the court does not order that the evaluation be solely based on the behavior of the two parents and that there be no evidence of abuse or neglect or other factors. As stated above, a trial jury or judge will examine the facts and come to their conclusions. The primary purpose of a 730 evaluation is to determine if the parents are able and capable of raising their children. The child custody evaluation is conducted in accordance with established best practice procedures. Are 730 Evaluations really required of all child custody evaluators? It's true that this is the standard practice in California. However, it would not be prudent to assume that all evaluators have the qualifications necessary to conduct a 730 evaluation. In fact, some states that require such an evaluation do so in a less formalized and less rigorous fashion. Some states do require that any evaluator conducting such an evaluation be a child psychologist or Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MSC). Some states do not require a psychologist at all. All states require that the evaluator must have at least three years of child abuse & neglect or similar cases under his/her belt. Child Custody Evaluations: Why is the Evaluation so Important?  It is a well-accepted fact of the legal world that children should have the optimal amount of time with both parents, and they should be with neither parent who is abusive, neglectful, or neglectful regarding one or more of the factors listed above. It is important, however, to realize that a significant number of children have physical, mental or emotional problems. These can impair the best interest of the child to one or both of the parents. In most cases the best interest of the children's physical and/or mental health is served if the father or mother has custody.

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